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Archives: Portfolios

Jean-Jacques Rampal

From 1977 to 1980, Jean-Jacques Rampal learned under Jean-Jacques Pagès, master violinmaker in Mirecourt, the heart of French violinmaking, where he learned...

Sylvain Bigot

Winner of the silver medal at the City of Paris competition and recipient of a Best French Workers’ award in recognition of his bow maker work in 2011, Sylvain...

Jonathan Marolle

Jonathan Marolle reecalls a memorable experience: Hundreds of violins were hanging from the wall. He noticed one instrument. “I was struck by the quality...

Jean-François Raffin

Master lecturer and expert with the ‘Court of Appeal’ (Paris’ Court), Jean-François Raffin is also co-author of a reference book entitled “The...

Yannick Le Canu

Winner of two silver medals at the City of Paris competition and five gold medals in international competitions, and recipient of a ‘Best French Workers’...

Hojoon Owen Lee

Owen Lee began his violin adventure in 2002, when he began importing violins, violas, cellos, and basses from various countries including China, Korea,...