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Ut tellus dolor, dapibus eget, elementum vel, cursus eleifend, elit. Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis

Team Members

2 Columns Team Member

Jiwon Han

Jake (Jiwon) Han is the current Head Luthier of Los Angeles Violin Shop and is entrusted with the finest instruments that come through our doors. Already a well-established…

Jiwon Han

Workshop Chief Violin Maker

Ryan (Kwang-Yeon) Kim joined the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2015. He is an extremely reliable craftsman; Ryan’s knowledge and understanding of instrument construction have…


Luthier & Violin Maker

3 Columns Team Member

Jiwon Han

Jake (Jiwon) Han is the current Head Luthier of Los Angeles Violin Shop and is entrusted with the finest instruments that come through our doors. Already a well-established…

Jiwon Han

Workshop Chief Violin Maker

Ryan (Kwang-Yeon) Kim joined the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2015. He is an extremely reliable craftsman; Ryan’s knowledge and understanding of instrument construction have…


Luthier & Violin Maker
San-Ha Park

San-Ha Park came to the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2018 as an accomplished guitar maker fascinated with the violin world. His diverse artistic background, woodworking knowledge,…

San-Ha Park

Luthier & Violin Maker

4 Columns Team Member

Jiwon Han

Jake (Jiwon) Han is the current Head Luthier of Los Angeles Violin Shop and is entrusted with the finest instruments that come through our doors. Already a well-established…

Jiwon Han

Workshop Chief Violin Maker

Ryan (Kwang-Yeon) Kim joined the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2015. He is an extremely reliable craftsman; Ryan’s knowledge and understanding of instrument construction have…


Luthier & Violin Maker
San-Ha Park

San-Ha Park came to the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2018 as an accomplished guitar maker fascinated with the violin world. His diverse artistic background, woodworking knowledge,…

San-Ha Park

Luthier & Violin Maker
Sarah Soza

Sarah Soza joined Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2022 where she holds the position of Sales Assistant. Sarah works with customers to select the perfect instrument within the parameters…

Sarah Soza

Sales & Customer care

4 Columns Team Member Full Width

Jiwon Han

Jake (Jiwon) Han is the current Head Luthier of Los Angeles Violin Shop and is entrusted with the finest instruments that come through our doors. Already a well-established…

Jiwon Han

Workshop Chief Violin Maker

Ryan (Kwang-Yeon) Kim joined the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2015. He is an extremely reliable craftsman; Ryan’s knowledge and understanding of instrument construction have…


Luthier & Violin Maker
San-Ha Park

San-Ha Park came to the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2018 as an accomplished guitar maker fascinated with the violin world. His diverse artistic background, woodworking knowledge,…

San-Ha Park

Luthier & Violin Maker
Sarah Soza

Sarah Soza joined Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2022 where she holds the position of Sales Assistant. Sarah works with customers to select the perfect instrument within the parameters…

Sarah Soza

Sales & Customer care

6 Columns Team Member Full Width

Jiwon Han

Jake (Jiwon) Han is the current Head Luthier of Los Angeles Violin Shop and is entrusted with the finest instruments that come through our doors. Already a well-established…

Jiwon Han

Workshop Chief Violin Maker

Ryan (Kwang-Yeon) Kim joined the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2015. He is an extremely reliable craftsman; Ryan’s knowledge and understanding of instrument construction have…


Luthier & Violin Maker
San-Ha Park

San-Ha Park came to the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2018 as an accomplished guitar maker fascinated with the violin world. His diverse artistic background, woodworking knowledge,…

San-Ha Park

Luthier & Violin Maker
Sarah Soza

Sarah Soza joined Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2022 where she holds the position of Sales Assistant. Sarah works with customers to select the perfect instrument within the parameters…

Sarah Soza

Sales & Customer care
Amy Jo

Amy Jo joined the Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2018 as a Piano Instructor and took on the role of Office Administrator in 2022. Here, she simplifies and streamlines technical…

Amy Jo

Sales & Customer care
Daniel Hooper

Daniel Hooper joined Los Angeles Violin Shop in 2013 and assumed the position of Sales Manager. Together with Owen Lee, Daniel has worked to make LAVS the first choice for…

Daniel Hooper

Sales & Customer care